Archive | September 2022

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Albums I Listened To: September 2022

Albums I Listened To: September 2022

Welcome back everyone! I gotta say, due to a lot of different things happening in real life, I got a chance to listen to a bunch of different music this month from a bunch of artists. I found at least three or four of bands that I fell in love with and had to buy […]

Arsenal Thoughts: A Good Start, A Good Window, Some Worries, Some Hopes  

Arsenal Thoughts: A Good Start, A Good Window, Some Worries, Some Hopes  

I haven’t written a thing about my beloved Arsenal in this blog for a while. Not for lack of care or thought, mind you. Running social media for Arsenal America as well as helping with the New Orleans chapter (the Krewe of Arsenal) are ever-constant concerns. And I talk plenty of Arsenal with people online. […]

Albums I Listened To: August 2022

Albums I Listened To: August 2022

You know, I make no sense of this year 2022. Some months I barely get a chance to listen to any music. Others, such as this one, give me the opportunity to listen non-stop. I make no sense of it nor will I try. I am just going to take my win and my opportunity. […]